Sunday, July 3, 2011

Patriotic Nail Design For the 4th of July

Products you will need:
Red Nail Polish
Blue Nail Polish
White Nail Polish
Thin Brush White Nail Polish

Start with polish free, filed nails
1. Apply  abase coat of blue to you pinky and ring finger on your left hand, and red nail polish to the middle, pointer, and thumb. On the right hand apply blue to the thumb and pointer finger, and apply red to the middle, ring, and pinky finger. 
2. Once the base coats of blue and red are dry, Use the thin brush white polish, to apply two stripes to the nails with the red polish. 
3. Put a drop of the white polish onto an index card, and using the toothpick pick up some of the polish. Then use the toothpick as a dotting tool to make white dots on the blue nails. 
4. If you want, you can add a top coat to all of the nails. Make sure that they are completely dry first so you don't smudge the design. 

1 comment:

  1. ♥ the nails so much! i´ll try it with the union jack:D
