1. First apply one to two coats of a black nail polish, until it is an opaque black color. Clean up any smudges on the edges of the nail with a Q-tip dipped into some nail polish remover.
2. With a white nail polish carefully make a small, rounded half circle shape on the tip of each nail. The half circle/ovals should be slightly more vertical then they are wide.
3. Drop some white nail polish onto an index card. Using a toothpick make two small dots above the white rounded tip. These are going to end up being the eyes. Make sure the dots aren't to far apart, otherwise the penguins end up looking a little bit crazy and hypnotized!
4. To finish off the eyes, wait for the white dots do dry. Then add a smaller black dot (more towards the bottom otherwise they can look a little hypnotized again if they're too much int eh center). Add another even smaller white dot again onto the black.
5. Using an orangey yellow (or a yellow-gold which is what I used because I didn't have a yellow/orange) make little half circles at the ends of the white part. Also, using a nail art brush, make a small triangle with the point towards the white and the straight edge below the eyes, to create the beak.
6. Wait for all the polish to dry, add a top coat, and your done!
oh it is very cute~ :) thanks forsharing