Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What I Ate Wednesday: Gluten Free

Today I ate a pretty okay-balanced-ish diet. I was pretty busy today with a doctor's appointment in the morning, meeting up with my friend for the first time in too long, and a job interview at night. I even managed to sneak in a quick gym session at the end of the day, though, so I'm proud of that! I did, however, forget to take pictures of what I ate. I'm also perfecting the art of making my food not just taste good, but look photo ready. I'll work on that.. onto the food!

I knew I had an early morning doctor's appointment (keep in mind that early for me was a 10am appointment), so I made overnight oats the night before to have this morning. Here's the recipe of what I put in my overnight oats.

1/2 cup of oats
1/2 cup of unsweetened original almond milk
1/3 of a banana
1tsp of chia seeds
dash of cinnamon
2-3 chopped dried figs (which I added in the morning)

Overall, they were pretty good but I wish it was a bit sweeter. Adding the figs helped with sweetness, but I might get some honey or agave to use in the future.

After my doctor's appointment my dad took me out to lunch. Eating out is a huge red flag for me because I tend to overeat bad foods, and then spend the rest of the day feeling guilty and sad. Instead of moping this time I just vowed that the rest of the day would be healthy (which it was) and to try and get in a workout (which I did!). 

We went to a diner we found near the doctor's office and I got two eggs scrambled with american cheese. I also got a side of fries with it. It was a pretty good meal though, so I don't have much to complain about. I wish I remembered to take a picture because they had definitely perfected the art of photogenic food. 

I wanted something I could make quickly before my job interview (nothing exciting it's a babysitting position, but I did get the job so yay!!). I had the leftovers of the quinoa salad I had made the day before in a wrap. I used the gluten free brown rice wraps from Trader Joe's. I used some guac in the wrap too to act as a very flavorful "glue."

I use the Shayloss recipe for my quinoa salad. I make it all the time, it's super simple and tastes amazing! Here's the link to the video I just use it as a rough base, though, and switch it up with whatever else I have around.

Snack: (post workout)
My mini workout got a not-so-mini snack. My gym closes pretty early and I didn't have much time after I got home from the interview, so I only managed to get in 25 minutes on the elliptical. But 25 minutes is better than nothing! 

I made a green smoothie, and also grabbed a string cheese because I needed some more cheese in my life today. Here's the recipe for the smoothie I made. I don't really use exact measurements, though, I kinda just wing it...

1/4 cup (I think?) of unsweetened original almond milk
a bit of kale
a little bit more of spinach
a small handful of frozen tropical fruit
two-ish spoonfuls of low fat vanilla yogurt
a little pinch of chia seeds

Sorry if that was VERY unhelpful, but I made it super quick today because it was just a snack. And I was proud that it actually came out a lovely green, as opposed to the other one I tried yesterday that turned a not-so appealing brownish-purple-red-bruised skin color.

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